Growing Anemone

Even after decades of gardening there is always a new plant to fall in love with. That was the case for me last year with Anemone coronaria. It was included in a box of mixed bulbs, and I had very low expectations. I was proven wrong and have become completely addicted to this gorgeous spring flower. Now I have several hundred planted!


Native to southeastern Europe, the windflower is named for the Greek word anemos, meaning wind. The poppy-like blooms are excellent cut flowers and come in a range of colors from deep blue, purple, pink, red and white accented with black centers. The frilly foliage grows all winter and is not favored by deer or rabbits due to a highly toxic quantity of protoanemonin found in all parts of the plant. Be warned, this is NOT an edible.


Hardy in zones 7-10, it can be grown in full sun to part shade and is even tolerant of being planted under black walnut trees! Windflower can also be cultivated in containers and has no serious insect of disease issues.